08 January 2020

Registration Week for Primary 1 admission

Aberdeenshire’s Registration Week for Primary 1 admission takes place from Monday 13th January to Friday 17th January 2020.

All children who reach their fifth birthday by 28th February 2021 are invited to register for Primary 1 for admission in August 2020.

You are asked to visit the primary school of your choice during Registration Week. If this is not possible, please try to visit/contact the school by the end of February 2020. 

When you visit, please take along: 

Once the school has seen the documents, you will be asked to complete an online application. When the registration period opens the form will be available at: https://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/applyForSchoolPlace

All schools in Aberdeenshire have the same start date, in the middle of August each year. You will be informed of this year's start date at the time of registration at school. 

Aberdeenshire Education & Children's Services makes no provision to admit any children who are five after the end of February, unless that child has previously been registered and has commenced full-time attendance (excluding induction) in a state supported or Forces school and is transferring into Aberdeenshire. In this case, the local authority can exercise discretion. Registration for a nursery or playgroup does not count for the purposes of this exception.