Grampian Adult Support and Protection Reporting Form

This online form allows you to report Adult Protection and Support concerns to Aberdeenshire Council.

If you wish to know more about Adult Protection and Support before completing the form please visit Adult Protection and Support.

The form will be checked by the Council's Adult Protection Unit and appropriate action will be taken – however the response is not immediate.

Before filling out this form, please ensure that the following criteria does not apply:

  • If there is a need for immediate action to protect the adult, this should be addressed prior to completing this form.
  • If required, contact the appropriate emergency services - telephone 999.
  • If a crime is known or suspected to have been committed, this should be reported to Police Scotland – telephone 101.
  • If the incident involves a child, consideration should be given to contacting the appropriate child protection services.

You should always call 999 in a life-threatening emergency, where a crime in is progress, or violence is being used or threatened. 
