18 August 2019

Can you help influence the long-term vision for transport in the north east?

Over the last few months, Nestrans has been seeking your input to help shape the next Regional Transport Strategy (RTS) for the north east of Scotland. The partnership has a statutory duty to produce and deliver an RTS to set the vision and direction for transport in the region for the next 20 years.

In May 2019 we launched a consultation website www.nestrans2040.org.uk and since then have made available a range of discussion papers on topics related to the development of the RTS.

These discussion papers cover:

• The affordability of transport
• Buses
• Behavioural change and mode shift
• Road safety and casualty reduction
• The accessibility of transport
• The existing rail network in north east Scotland
• Aviation issues
• Freight
• Carbon reduction and alternative fuels
• Cycling and walking
• Public health and access to health

There is still time to share your views on any of the above topics or transport issues in the north-east more generally and we would encourage you to visit www.nestrans2040.org.uk to view and submit your comments. 

The consultation period for this stage of the RTS development will close on Monday, 2nd September.  All comments received will be collated and used to inform the development of a draft strategy which will be made available for further comment and consultation in early 2020.