18 March 2021

Council helps young people find the right destination

Aberdeenshire Council’s Education and Children’s Services Committee learnt about a host of measures aiming to support young people find employment or continue in further education after leaving school.

A report presented to the committee showed Aberdeenshire continuing to perform well in comparison with other Scottish local authorities when it comes to young people continuing their education post 16 or indeed entering the world of work. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, Aberdeenshire ranks seventh in terms of positive school leaver destinations out of Scotland’s 32 local authorities.

The committee heard more young people were opting to continue their studies in higher education in 2019/20 in compared to the previous year – by more than six per cent. The report acknowledged there were concerns around the employment prospects for young people in the north east as a result of the ongoing pandemic and the downturn in the oil and gas industry. 

However, councillors learnt about a number of national and regional measures aimed at giving young people skills and opportunities to further their education or secure employment. Last year, the Scottish Government launched the Young Person’s Guarantee, providing the opportunity of a job, placement, training or voluntary position for all young people aged 16 to 24. At the end of 2020, the council received £1million to the support the Young Person’s Guarantee to deliver programmes and initiatives up to March 2022. The council is about to launch a series of projects, including supported employment for young people with disabilities as well as initiatives to support young people with wellbeing and mental health issues.

Aberdeenshire Council’s Director of Education and Children’s Services Laurence Findlay said: “It is pleasing to see that Aberdeenshire’s young people are continuing their studies or finding employment in the midst of challenging economic times locally and in spite of a global pandemic. It is also great to see a host of council projects being launched that will make a real difference to young people.”

Aberdeenshire Council’s Head of Education Vincent Docherty added: “It is really encouraging to see support is going to be provided for young people with disabilities. Equalities is a key feature of our Developing the Young Workforce Strategy and as such it is essential to see this support being put in place.”

The report is available in full by visiting: http://committeesinternal/committees.aspx?meetid=19550

You can also watch a webcast of Education and Children’s Services Committee by visiting https://aberdeenshire.public-i.tv/core/portal/home