Report a missed bin collection

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Please check if there are any disruptions to bin collections before reporting a missed bin.

All fields on this form are mandatory unless marked as optional.

In order for a bin collection to be rescheduled you must be able to confirm that each of the following statements are true:

  • You are reporting this after 4:45pm on your collection day or within 2 working days after your scheduled collection day
  • The bin was at the kerbside or your collection point prior to 7am on your collection day
  • The bin lid was shut and the bin was not over-flowing
  • No bin hanger was attached to the bin notifying you there was an issue with your bin
  • The contents of the bin were not compacted and / or frozen and cannot be fully emptied
  • The bin was not too heavy, sometimes bins are too heavy for the loader to safely wheel to the lorry and empty
  • Safe access to your bin was not obstructed