Apply for a nursery place

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All fields on this form are mandatory unless marked as optional.
Review the application
Here is a summary of the information you provided. Please review it and ensure the information is correct before submitting the application.

What are you applying for

Question Answer
Is this a new application or your child returning to the same setting? NotSelected
Select the type of place you are applying for.

Not selected

About the setting

Question Answer
What is the name of the current setting attended, if any?
Do you currently receive funded Early Learning and Childcare from Aberdeenshire Council?

Your details - main contact

Question Answer
Relationship to child
Home telephone
Mobile telephone
Work/day telephone
Where did you hear about the admissions period? Not selected

Child's details

Question Answer
Known as
Date of birth
Does the child live at the same address as you?

Intended primary school

Question Answer
Zoned primary school for current address
Do you intend for your child to go to the zoned primary school for the current address?


Question Answer
No siblings were entered

Child’s spoken language

Question Answer
Is English the child's main language?

Additional support needs

Question Answer
Does your child have any additional support needs?

Care experienced

Question Answer
Has your child been classed as 'looked after / under kinship care order?

Choose nursery, playgroup or childminder

Question Answer
Your first choice
Second choice
Third choice
Please select your preference for the times in the week you would like your child to attend. We will try to meet individual preferences; however, we cannot guarantee your preferred times will be available.
Do you want to use your funded place over school holidays?
Do you want to share your funded place over more than one setting?