You searched for "working for aberdeenshire council"

  1. Free school meals

    Income-based Job Seeker's Allowance (JSA); Any income related element of Employment and Support Allowance; Child Tax Credit (CTC), but not Working Tax Credit, ...

  2. Apply for a temporary traffic restriction

    When to apply · Up to 5 days planned works, apply 2 weeks before the restriction starts · Over 5 days planned works, apply 3 weeks before the restriction starts ...

  3. Solar panels in council homes

    They are on and working all the time but will only generate electricity for your home when the sun is strong. Battery storage. Battery storage unit on the ...

  4. Eligibility for care services

    These eligibility criteria will be used after your needs have been formally assessed. Although you may have multiple care needs, the social work practitioner ...

  5. How the Self-directed Support payment card works

    Aberdeenshire Council Logo. Home · Social care and health · Financial help · Self ... employees) and close the account. If you manage a Direct Payment for ...

  6. Lettable standard - void work

    Ensure a valid Electrical Installation Condition Report. Electrical, Smoke and/or carbon monoxide alarms to meet LD2 legislation. Electrical, Repair any ' ...

  7. Economy statistics

    Aberdeenshire 2021 Economic Bulletin (PDF 1.2MB) provides a snap shot of Aberdeenshire's economy with information on employment, employment sectors, annual pay, ...

  8. Second homes

    ... work. Apply for second home classification opens in a new tab. Second home charges. The Scottish Government is committed to reduce the number of empty ...

  9. Dangerous and defective buildings

    Please do not report potentially dangerous buildings by email as your email may not be picked up until the next working day. Dealing with dangerous ...

  10. Housing Improvement Programme

    Improvement works are upgrades we do to your home as part of our 4-year Housing Improvement Programme (HIP). Year 4 of the programme will start in stages ...