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Remains of a road recorded by aerial reconnaissance by CUCAP and by the RCAHMS from 1976 onwards. This road overlies part of Cardean Roman Fort (NO24NE0012), bends slightly south to follow the crest of the ridge and extends eastwards from it from NO 2893 4606 to NO 2944 4634, crossing the access road to Wester Cardean before heading to join the alignment of the public road to the north of Wester Cardean. It is shown as Roman Road (course of), on the current edition OS map, however, this section of road is probably not Roman in origin. In 1970, when resurveyed by the OS, the road was clearly visible entering the northeast gate as a low agger with a scatter of metalling. It leaves the south gate by means of a gully leading to the river. The Roman Gask Project, in 2001, investigated the road as part of their work at Cardean. It was discovered that the road visibly overlies the fort at Cardean, and though it passes through the southwestern gate, it crosses the eastern rampart rather than passes through the gate. The road, an 18th-century road with side ditches, appears to cut a large rectangular feature within the fort which overlies the Roman road. This is in fact, as Woolliscroft and Hoffmann point out, the former turnpike road to Forfar, running up from the old Bridge of Dean.