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Cup and ring marked stone. A portion of grass-covered bedrock, with at least seven cup-marks was recorded by G Currie in 2005. The rock measures 80cm x 80cm. Five of the cups are ringed and channels lead from two of the ringed cups. Three cups are over 70mm wide and 20mm deep. Recorded by Scotland's Rock Art Project, described as measuring 0.9m by 0.8m and carved with six large and four small cupmarks, One of the large cups has a partial ring, another has a complete ring with two channels extending to the east. There are very clear peck marks in motifs on the north side of the boulder. The stone lies approximately 60m to the north-west of another cup and ring marked stone (see NO33NE0048). A further cup and ring marked stone has also been recorded in the vicinity (NO33NE0066).