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Site of a cist. A short cist, containing an inhumation accompanied by fragments of the upper part a food vessel, was found in a sandy knoll on 12th March 1952 during ploughing operations. The capstone was removed and the cist exposed by the ploughman. The cist remained in place. It was 0.86 m x 0.51 m x 0.51 m internally and had a paved floor made of thin slabs. The cover slab was 1.22 m x 1.07 m x 0.2 m. When recorded by Wainwright most of the contents had been removed namely the Food Vessel and unburnt bones, but more pottery and burnt bone were recovered from the cist. The surviving unburnt bone was submitted for analysis to the Dept of Anatomy at University College, Dundee but they were subsequently lost. The upper part of the Food Vessel is in Dundee Museum. It consists of 60 sherds and fragments of a bipartite vase. One basal sherd survives, the remainder are from the upper portion. It was probably broken upon discovery. It is decorated with whipped cord impressions. Its dimensions are : surviving height 65-70 mm (estimated height 160 mm), rim diameter 140 mm, base diameter 70 mm. There is a possible organic deposit on the interior.