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Dunnichen Church, built probably on the site of earlier churches, no longer in ecclesiastical use. A Dunnichen church is recorded in the foundation charter of Aberbrothoc Abbey as a gift by William I in 1178. The church was dedicated to St Constantine. The present church was built in 1802 by George Dempster, the 18th century agricultural improver who built the nearby village of Letham. The session house was added in 1883. It was closed as a church in 2011. It is a small Gothic oblong building, constructed of rubble masonry with ashlar margins and slate roofs, with a ball-finialled belfry dated 1802. The four-bay south facing flanking elevation has four pointed-headed windows with lattice glazing. The north facing elevation has no windows. The east gable has a double-leafed central doorway with a pointed fanlight, and a pointed-headed window above with lattice glazing. Above this is a small rectangular louvred opening. The western gable is of a similar design, but with the later addition of a single-storey porch and vestry, with a double-leafed door and a lattice glazed window on the south facing elevation and a similar central window on the west elevation. It has a large corniced end stack on the west gable. Interior fittings include a horse-shoe shaped gallery covering the north, west and east walls. GUARD were commissioned by the Dunnichen Heritage Society to undertake a ground penetrating radar survey within the church in 2008 with the aim of prospecting for evidence of an earlier, pre-Reformation, church on the same site, and to determine whether or not burials might exist beneath floor levels of the present building. The survey revealed no significant anomalies which might indicate the presence of burials beneath the floor of the church, although the circumstances encountered within the church mean the potential for sub-floor burials still cannot be entirely ruled out. The wooden floor consists of boards running east-west supported by cross beams running north-south overlies a concrete or stone sub-floor, with an air gap in between causing echos. It is not clear if buried remains of an earlier structure exist below the present structure, due to the problems experienced, but it was concluded that it is unlikely that any remains survive. Standing building survey of the church was carried out by Rathmell Archaeology in June 2017 prior to conversion to a dwelling. Within the churchyard are two Commonwealth war graves, of Sgt David Mart (died July 1917) and Air Mechanic JA Smith (died April 1919).