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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNO56NW0018
NRHE Card No.NO56NW18
NRHE Numlink 35008
HES SM No. 4571
Site Form Standing Structure
Site Condition Incomplete
Details Remains of hut-circles and probably associated cultivation, recorded by the OS in the Ordnance Name Book in the late 19th century. Further detail was recorded by the RCAHMS in 1989. The OS recorded two ring-ditch houses and a probably associated field system of small fields bounded by lynchets, fragmentary field walls and stone clearance heaps. When the RCAHMS re-surveyed the area in 1989 they recorded the following individual features: (1) A ring-ditch house situated on flat ground at the southwest end of a low ridge which flanks the northwest side of the gully. It measures 15 m in diameter over a ditch 2.5 m in breadth, and there are intermittent traces of an external bank on the west. The line of the ditch is broken by several low causeways, one of which, on the southeast may be the entrance. (2) A ring-ditch house, situated about 15 m northeast of NO56NW0080 on a broader part of the same low ridge. It measures 10 m in diameter over a ditch which varies from 1.7 m to 2.5 m in breadth, there are gaps on the south-southwest and the south-southeast, the latter perhaps being the entrance. There are two small cairns in the immediate vicinity. (3) A house is situated at the northeast end of the same low ridge as NO56NW0080 and NO56NW0081 on the northwest lip of the gully. It measures about 13.8 m in diameter over a ditch 2.7 m broad and there are slight traces of an external bank on the northeast. The ditch is interrupted in three places and the position of the entrance is uncertain. (4) The houses (NO56NW0080, NO56NW0081, NO56NW0082) are situated within an area of banks and cairns representing a palimpsest of agricultural activity. In the east sector banks about 1 m thick and 0.2 m high predominate, defining narrow strips. Some banks incorporate cairns, but the area within the strips appears to be clear of stone. The strips may indicate some form of plough agriculture and their undisturbed pattern relative to the other banks in the immediate vicinity suggests that they represent a late stage in the agricultural exploitation of the area. Elsewhere, in the north and southeast sectors, there are also hints of fields in the pattern of the banks, defining squarish and sub-rectangular plots rather than strips. Cairns predominate in the south area, which has been disturbed by trackways trending from north to south. The cairns across the whole field-system vary in diameter from 1 m to 5 m and from 0.2 m to 0.6 m in height. (5) What may be a pillow mound is located on a gentle slope above an unnamed burn on the northwest side of the field-system (NO56NW0152). It measures 7 m from northeast to southwest by 3.5 m transversely and 0.4m in maximum height. The northeast end and the sides of the mound are flanked by a shallow ditch from 1.25 m to 1.5 m broad. These monuments are situated to either side of a shallow gully that cuts from northeast to southwest across gently-sloping ground some 500 m southwest of the White Caterthun fort (NO56NW0017).
Last Update05/05/2021
Updated Byjnicholson
Date of Compilation23/11/2009

Google Map for NO56NW0018

National Grid Reference: NO 5393 6577

Event Details

Excavations and Surveys

Artefact and Ecofact


Ecofact Notes

Monument Types

Monument Type 1Monument Type 2Monument Type 3OrderProbability