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Site of a farmstead. The former farmstead of Inverpeffer, shown on both the 1st and 2nd edition OS maps of 1865 and 1923, was demolished circa 1941-2 to make way for the East Haven Airfield. On the 1st edition map the farmstead consists of a sub-rectangular quadrange formed by two L-shaped buildings, with about ten other buildings of varying size to the north and north-west. One of the L-shaped buildings has a horsemill. By the 2nd edition map considerable changes have been made, the horsemill has been removed and the buildings modified and expanded, with a new large building to the east, possibly a new farmhouse. Various of these features are now visible as cropmarks, together with an area of rig and furrow which does not respect the features and may therefore be earlier. The cropmarks were recorded by the RCAHMS during aerial reconnaissance in 1993-5.