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Pictish Symbol Stone. On 14th May 1952 a Class I symbol stone was discovered during ploughing about 300 yds north of Kinblethmont House. It is a large undressed sandstone boulder, now measuring 81.28 cm (32 inches) x 68.58 cm (27 inches) x 22.86 cm (9 inches), but one end has been broken off and is missing. It bears the following incised symbols: the crescent and V-rod, the 'Pictish Beast', and the top of the mirror and comb. Wainwright excavated 9.29 square metres (100 square feet) to try to discover the missing portion or any related features. All that was revealed was a socket 25.4 cm (10 inches) deep cut in the rock, 30.48 cm (1') below the present ground level. The missing portion of the stone was not found, and it is unlikely that this was the original site. The excavator suggested that the stone was re-erected already broken. This symbol stone was in the porch of Kinblethmont House, but has now been moved to the main hall.