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Cropmarks of rig and furrow aligned north-south and site of excavation. In 1983, a trench (east-west) was cut into a track-side garden east of Chapelton burial ground. Below garden soil two cultivation furrows were intercepted running north-south, part of a set visible on aerial photographs south of the adjacent lane. At the west end of the trench the surviving furrow was a shallow cut in the gravel subsoil flanked by traces of parallel plough scores. About 11m to the east the second furrow had been disturbed by a later well. Only a short length was excavated, cut into natural gravel on one side and into deep hillwash on the other. The base of this second furrow had been deepened with a spade-cut channel for drainage. The fill was iron-panned and gleyed. An amorphous patch of grey ashy soil directly overlying subsoil between the two furrows resembled the soil associated with the backfill of the enclosure ditch (trench 21) noted on NO64NW0060, but only one sherd of (late) medieval pottery was recovered from the 80m sq of the excavation.