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Site of possible castle. Fort Hill was a hillock said to have been the site of Montrose Castle which was in existence by 1178, was captured and reduced by Wallace in 1297 and was in ruins in 1488. The hillock was removed in the first half of the 19th century during its removal. There are reports of burials being found Local people do not favour the assertion that this was the site of the castle especially as it was outside the Royalty of Montrose until 1825 when it was acquired from the Barony of Dun. Only a well and human remains were ever found on the hill.In April and May 1996 SUAT undertook trial work on the E side of Montrose Infirmary, at 62-64 Bridge Street in advance of construction of the A92 Montrose relief road. The objectives of the trial work were to assess any archaeological evidence relating to the royal castle, 16th-century fort and medieval backlands. Three trenches were machine excavated. Limited evidence of medieval backland occupation survived as features and deposits with medieval pottery and bone, and probably as truncated garden soils. No evidence was found for the defensive use of the site in the medieval/post-medieval period, the early castle or 16th-century fort.