Aberdeenshire HER - NJ31NE0020 - CREAG AN SGOR

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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNJ31NE0020
NRHE Card No.NJ31NE125
NRHE Numlink 291112
HES SM No. 11590
Site Form Standing Structure
Site Condition Incomplete
Details Group of five well-preserved later prehistoric ring-ditch houses visible as upstanding features strung out along the southern lower slopes of Creag an Sgor. The easternmost is 8m in diameter with a stony bank up to 1.5m in thickness and 0.3m in height, with an entrance on the southeast. internally there are remains of a shallow ring ditch. The next, 140m to the west is circa 9m in diameter within a wall reduced to a stony bank up to 1.5m thick and 0.2m high, with an entrance on the south-southeast and a number of outer facing stones on the north. The third, circa 125m to the southeast, has an internal diameter of 9m and a bank 3m wide, surviving up to 0.3m on the south side. Approximately 110m southwest is a pair of ring-ditches 26m apart. The eastern is circa 8.6m in diameter with a wall reduced to a thick stony bank and an entrance in the south. Where inner and outer facing stones are present on the west the original thickness of wall is circa 1m. The western house is 7.1m in diameter with a bank up to 2.5m thick and 0.2m in height with an entrance on the south. Immediately within the interior is a concentric ditch up to 2.2m wide and 0.15m deep.
Last Update22/10/2020
Updated Bycpalmer
Date of Compilation 

Google Map for NJ31NE0020

National Grid Reference: NJ 3720 1862

Event Details

Excavations and Surveys

Artefact and Ecofact


Ecofact Notes

Monument Types

Monument Type 1Monument Type 2Monument Type 3OrderProbability