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Recumbent Stone Circle with recumbent, two flankers and third standing stone to the east surviving. Five other earth-fast stones look disturbed. The recumbent and pillars stand in a circular earth and stone bank. The circle is 20 m in diameter. The recumbent, of sillimanite gneiss, is the largest known, measuring 4.9 m by 2.1 m by 2.0 m and weighing probably 53 tons. Excavations in 1932 revealed a bank of large stones just under the turf in front of the recumbent extending for 2.13 m towards the centre of the circle. The remains of an eccentrically placed ring cairn were uncovered, comprising a kerb of large stones forming a rough semi-circle. There was no trace of inner cairn or stones in front of recumbent. Prior to the building of the ring cairn a small timber structure may have stood for a short time in the central area.