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Remains of disused slate quarries, depicted on the OS 1st edition map of 1868 as the Haining and Roughouster Quarries, with access tracks leading to the quarry workings. Most of the tracks are now covered with forestry but the quarries are still visible. A walkover survey was carried out by MAS in January 2013 in advance of construction of a wind farm. Access to the quarries was difficult and only two areas could be examined in any detail. The quarry at NJ54403283 measured circa 20m by 25 m but no associated features were observed. The quarry extending between NJ54673283 and NJ54753284 was accessed along the now tree-covered track on the north side. There is a steep working slope at the east end and here there were a number of stone heaps where slates had been split and shaped. Nearby was a small ovoid structure circa 3 m by 1.8 m, built of drystone wall using the slate blocks, and which appears to have been a small shelter for quarry workers.