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Cup-marked stones, reported in 2006 by G Currie. On the west facing slope of the Hill of Avochie are two cup-marked stones. One is a pointed rock, 1.1.m x 0.8m, flush with the ground and bears nine cup-marks. A second stone lies 9m to the south-southeast. It is turf-covered and has three cups. Field visit by A Jarvie 2011 recorded one stone with three cups (two in good condition and one badly weathered) at NJ 54035 46551, and one with 4 cup marks (one clear and 3 badly weathered) at NJ 54025 46571, and a third stone to the northeast at NJ 54120 46673 with eight cup marks. Walkover survey by Cameron Archaeology in September 2018 (NJ54NW0114) did not locate a stone at NJ 54120 46673, although a potential cup marked stone was recorded at NJ 54207 46651. Site visit in 2020 as part of Scotland's Rock Art Project recorded two stones, one at NJ5402846569, bearing 10 cup marks, four larger than 5cms in diameter, the largest 7cms in diameter. One has a possible radial line and a further possible cup mark was noted along the east side. The second stone, 16m to the south-southeast, is a small roughly rectangular rock measuring circa 0.9m by 0.63m bearing four cups in a rough line, the largest 6cms in diameter.