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Town House and tolbooth with steeple. The Town House was built in 1796 and adjoins the earlier steeple which was freestanding when first constructed in 1764. The Town House is a plain, classic, 3-storey with 5-window ashlar building with a rusticated ground floor and quoined angles. The roof is slated and platformed. Prison wing is at the rear of the building (now offices). Plainstones on an elevated platform 2/3 steps above the pavement in front. The tolbooth steeple is ashlar and built in four stages topped by ball finials and a concave-sided spire. The first stage has a doorpiece in an arched recess, the second stage has a blind lunette, the third stage has a pedimented clockface, and the fourth stage features an arched belfry window. A watching brief was carried out at the site in 1999 by Murray Archaeological Services prior to the construction of a new boiler house. Substantial wall foundations and a possible filled-in well, probably of late 18th or early 19th century date, were uncovered during the course of the work. In 2004, structural recording of the building was undertaken by Murray Archaeological Services. A full photographic record of joists and other revealed structural details was made in addition to all features being measured and planned.