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Walled garden, dating from 1777. It was in three compartments, the southern with a curved wall. The 1st and 2nd edition maps show a number of glasshouses. The wall is rubble built, the gatepiers with pineapple and ball finials. Within the garden are two Byzantine columns, and a sundial dating from the 19th century. A watching brief and building recording were undertaken in July and August 2003 on the potting shed prior to renovation works. The building recording recovered evidence for a three-roomed building dating to the latter half of the 19th century, which was later altered to form a two-room layout. A watching brief was maintained by Cameron Archaeology in October 2013 during dismantling and repair of part of the wall in the northwest corner of the garden. No re-used stonework was identified, and no archaeological features were identified in two trenches dug for new supports.