Aberdeenshire HER - NJ76SW0136 - GAVENWOOD

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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNJ76SW0136
NRHE Card No.NJ76SW90
NRHE Numlink 229374
HES LB No. 2890
Site Form Standing Structure
Site Condition Complete 2
Details Factor's house, still in use, begun in 1859 and extended in 1872. Gavenwood was built for John Hannay and his wife, who was factor to the Earl of Fife 1854-90. The house was built around a well, which is now enclosed in the rear service courtyard. It is a two-storey with basement, three-bay house, constructed from squared and coursed whinstone with contrasting cream sandstone ashlar dressings, a base course, cill course at the first floor and an eaves course. There are stone mullions to the bipartites. The south-west elevation has a gabled bay, advanced at the centre, and a round-arched, pilaster-flanked doorway with a keystone deep-set, door with a strip fanlight. Above the door is a first floor window, and there are ground and first floor windows in the flanking bays. A single-bay wing is recessed to the east, with a window to each floor. The north-west elevation is three-bay with a bipartite to each floor at the centre and full-height canted windows flanking. The south-east elevation has a gabled wing to the south with a window to each floor and a blind quatrefoil to the gablehead. There is a window to each floor on the return and a window to the basement. There are two wings projecting at the rear, enclosed by high walls forming a service court. The piended roof has grey slates with over-hanging eaves. Corniced ashlar stacks have divided flues and decorative cans. There is a pair of square ashlar, pyramidal capped gatepiers to the south-west.
Last Update13/06/2023
Updated Bycpalmer
Date of Compilation01/02/2017

Google Map for NJ76SW0136

National Grid Reference: NJ 7009 6304

Event Details

Excavations and Surveys

Artefact and Ecofact


Ecofact Notes

Monument Types