Aberdeenshire HER - NJ80NW0001 - HILL OF KEIR, WESTHILL

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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNJ80NW0001
NRHE Card No.NJ80NW1
NRHE Numlink 19341
HES SM No. 12334
Site Form Standing Structure
Site Condition Incomplete
Details Remains of a stone-walled enclosure. On the west side there is a considerable amount of stones with wall spread to circa 5 m wide and 0.7 m high. The remainder of the perimeter has only a small amount of stones with entrances on the east and west, 0.4m wide. No ditch is evident. In the southwest quadrant within the enclosure there is a single ring of small loose stones circa 3.2 m diameter but possibly of fairly recent origin. A walkover survey was carried out on the south side of the hill by Murray Archaeological Services in 2003 in advance of proposals for a telecommunications site. A subsequent watching brief was maintained in 2004 by Murray Archaeological Services during the installation of an electricity cable but no archaeological features or finds were encountered during the watching brief. AOC Archaeology carried out an inspection and reinstatement of the site with a photographic recording of the interior and exterior of the monument in January and September 2021, after a member of the public had reported to Historic Environment Scotland June 2020 that a significant quantity of stone had been deposited on the monument, and spoil heaps resulting from the nearby Scottish Water development works were encroaching into the Scheduled Monument area. The work was carried out in two phases. The spoil heaps were removed in January 2021 under archaeological supervision, and the stones added to the monument were removed under archaeological supervision in September 2021.
Last Update17/01/2023
Updated Bybmann
Date of Compilation23/11/2009

Google Map for NJ80NW0001

National Grid Reference: NJ 8174 0832

Event Details

Event DateEvent TypeOASIS ID
2021 Field Observation aocarcha1-434074
2004 Watching-Brief

Excavations and Surveys

Artefact and Ecofact


Ecofact Notes

Monument Types

Monument Type 1Monument Type 2Monument Type 3OrderProbability