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Extensive rig and furrow with clearance heaps, comprising six areas. Area A is an area of low regular rigs running east-west, widely spaced in pasture. North of this area three banks form the east, north and south sides of a square enclosure, circa 55m along the north side. Area B comprises ploughed-out rigs running north-south. Area C has some whin, with loose stones lying on surface, and rigs running approximately northeast-southwest, more sinuous than others. The rigs are approximately 80 paces long. Area D has well pronounced but low rigs running north-south, with broom growing on top. The rigs are circa 20cm high. Overlain by stone-walled enclosure (dry stane dyke). Area E is an open north facing slope, an area of good but low rigs in former woodland, showing as brown rough grass on the crests and darker green grass in the furrows. Their orientation is approximately northeast-southwest. Area F, the southwest corner of wood of Schivas, has two groups of rigs, running at 60 degrees to each other. The rigs run into thick broom.