Aberdeenshire HER - NJ96NW0073 - EDWARD BONAVENTURE

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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNJ96NW0073
NRHE Card No.NJ96NW8002
NRHE Numlink 101791
Site Form Wreck Site
Site Condition Incomplete
Details Wreck site of the 'Edward Bonaventure', lost in this vicinity on the 10th November 1556. The vessel was returning from Russia, and formed part of the first English expedition to attempt to locate a North-East Passage route to the East for mercantile trade. Amongst the cargo said to have been carried by the Edward Bonaventure were many fine furs and exotic animals for Queen Mary Tudor of England. Also on board, was Osep Gregorovitch Napea, the first Russian ambassador to England. When the vessel was lost, it had been trying to ride out a northerly gale in Pitsligo Bay but it was driven ashore. The captain and around 100 others perished, but the Russian ambassador was one of the few survivors. Investigation was carried out by ADU in August 2000, within the area of the RAF Rosehearty Bay range. Sidescan sonar survey proved of little value on account of the presence of rock outcrops, but magnetometry revealed two significant and discrete anomalies at N57 41.042 W2 9.247 [NJ 9081 6600], immediately east of Quarry Head. These were at some distance from the current targets, and it was considered improbable that these were items of mislaid ordnance, but they may have been steel target floats which have become detached. A single dive (to a maximum depth of 9m) was carried out by J White on 2 August 2000. No obvious anomalies or archaeological material were noted on the flat sandy seabed.
Last Update03/12/2020
Updated Bycpalmer
Date of Compilation12/05/2011

Google Map for NJ96NW0073

National Grid Reference: NJ 9081 6600

Event Details

Event DateEvent TypeOASIS ID
2000 Geophysical Survey

Excavations and Surveys

Artefact and Ecofact


Ecofact Notes

Monument Types