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Depopulated settlement comprising five longhouses with an enclosure, with associated rigs to the North and Southast of the settlement. Two isolated longhouses lie approximately 300m away from the houses, to the east. There are also depleted field boundaries visible. To the west are the reduced footings of a small group of houses with attached rectilinear enclosure and an area of enclosures and rigs to the north of them. Only three unroofed buildings and one enclosure are shown on the OS 1st edition map. Recorded as part of the Scotland's Rural Past Project (2012), which identified a cluster of seven buildings and an enclosure forming the centre of the settlement, with further scattered buildings to the west, south and east. Only four buildings of Auchnacraig are shown on an 1807-9 estate plan. A pattern of rig and furrow radiates around the slopes of Auchnacraig to the north and west of the main township. The head dyke was built before an estate survey of 1807-9 and added to and altered in the improvement period. Two other buildings were recorded to the southeast, at NO34154 88858 and NO34132 88946. See also NO38NW0004 and NO38NW0005.