Aberdeenshire HER - NO59NW0088 - WEST LODGE, ABOYNE CASTLE

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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNO59NW0088
NRHE Card No.NO59NW5
NRHE Numlink 118920
HES LB No. 47077
Site Form Standing Structure
Site Condition Complete 2
Details Lodge, still in use, built by George Truefitt in the later 19th century. It is a single-storey and attic, square-plan lodge with a single-storey L-plan wing at the west entrance to Aboyne Castle (NO59NW0005). The building is constructed from rounded granite rubble with rough-faced long and short dressings, a rough-faced dividing band course, a finely finished granite eaves course, a rope moulded eaves course to an angle turret and piended graded grey slate roofs with lead flashings, coped granite rough-faced wallhead stacks to the south and east with circular cans and cast-iron rainwater goods. All elevations are asymmetrical. The west elevation has a triangular-plan oriel on a decorative oversized bracket to the centre of the ground floor and a corbelled turret to the outer north angle with single window to the attic floor. The south elevation is two-bay, with a bipartite window to the ground and attic floors of the bay to the west. The ground floor to the east is obscured by a three-bay single-storey wing and the bay to the east is advanced with a three-light window, a flanking three-light window and a tripartite window. The east elevation is also two-bay, with the outer south angle obscured by a single-storey wing and a two-light window to the north. A glazed timber door to the north return is reached by three stone steps flanked by ball-finials. There are two windows to the ground floor of the main block, a bipartite wallhead stack to the centre of the attic floor, flanked to the north by a single dormer window and to the south by a bipartite dormer window, both piend-roofed and breaking the eaves. The north elevation has a bipartite window to the centre of the ground floor and the corbelled turret to the outer west angle. There are coped, square-plan granite gatepiers to the north of the lodge with pyramidal caps, two-leaf decorative ironwork gates, rough-faced granite gatepiers, a single-leaf gate to the north-west leading to the walled garden (NO59NW0089), a coped rough-faced quadrant wall surmounted by ironwork railings to the north and south and rounded granite rubble walls that extend to the north and south.
Last Update09/05/2018
Updated Bynackerman
Date of Compilation01/02/2017

Google Map for NO59NW0088

National Grid Reference: NO 5204 9921

Event Details

Excavations and Surveys

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Monument Types