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Site of a settlement. An apparently random series of ditches, pits and post-holes cut into the gravel of a terrace was revealed during strippng prior to quarrying in 1967. They had been deliberatley refilled, shortly after construction, by a rich dark soil containing quantities of charcoal and cremated bone.The ditches were all different, varying in size, cross-section, length, plan and content and the fact that they were dug separately, at intervals, with no respect for earlier refilled features. Some contained timber post structures, which were usually removed before refilling. Deposits of animal bones and shells occur and pottery sherds of late 1st - early 2nd century (Roman, Romano British, imported ware and one sherd of native ware), iron objects, mostly nails, traces of metal-working debris and rotary querns were found. The settlement comprised of at least 8 timber round-houses and a number of souterrain-like structures.