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Remains of a settlement and field system, consisting of at least four stone-walled circular huts. The field system is marked by stone clearance heaps, lynchets and extensive walls. Partly in forest, part cultivated, and part gorse-covered. The northern two thirds of the wood were felled November 1988. The south half has been bulldozed flat. Remains include clearance cairns circa 4 m in diameter by 1 m high, an enclosure beside the east hut measuring 11 m by 9 m, and a hut with diameter 11-15 m. A clearance cairn lies against hut C in the southeast. The entrance to hut D is blocked by modern field clearance. Hut E lies immediately outside a rectangular enclosure. The settlement and field systems were surveyed in February 1990 by AOC. A programme of sample excavation was carried out in March 1991 by AOC and 15 radiocarbon dates were obtained from beneath a range of monument types. Negative features overlain by later banks and cairns were found to be Mesolithic in date but may not be man-made. The earliest dated surface feature is a clearance cairn which is no older than circa 2000 BC (uncalibrated). A coaxial bank system, established at about 1350-1150 BC (uncalibrated), may be contemporary with at least one of the hut circles. Three other hut circles, and modifications to the bank system, appear to be Iron Age in date, circa 450 BC to AD 250 (uncalibrated). The excavation was arranged and funded by Historic Scotland.