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Site of a chapel. Historically said to be the site of the Chapel of St. Lawrence, an early ecclesiastical building associated with nearby Rothes Castle, the site is depicted on the OS map of both 1846 and 1888. There is some doubt regarding the location of this site as the slope is wet and steep, an almost impossible position to build on, although there has been some considerable land slippage in this area. The name 'Chapel Hill' occurs at NJ 276 481, and applies to a featureless field. It is possible that the chapel stood within the present graveyard at NJ 2742 4928, because of tombstone dated 1576 found there. A watching brief was carried out in February 2006 by Alba Archaeology when several trial pits and bore holes were excavated in this area by as part of the Rothes Flood Alleviation Scheme. It is an area which has been particularly susceptible to land slippage and erosion, and has been much altered in recent times. No finds or features of archaeological significance were recorded.