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Remains of a castle. The extant remains of a rectangular structure of thick rubble wall at the east end of Lady Hill are all that survive. It was a stronghold from a very early date and became a Royal fortress in the 12th century, being first mentioned in a charter of Malcolm IV, dated, at Perth, 25 December 1160. It was occupied by Edward I of England, and has apparently been a ruin since the 15th century. The top of the hill is considerably mutilated with hollows and hollow ways, presumably the result of quarrying materials for the construction of the Duke of Gordon's Monument (NJ26SW0273) and the observatory, the latter now being demolished. The castle chapel was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. A research excavation was carried out in 1972 and 1973. Features of the northern outer defences were recorded. A watching brief was carried out in 1993 during excavation of a sewer trench on the west side of the hill, but no features or artefacts of archaeological significance were observed. A watching brief was carried out in July 2010 by Alba Archaeology prior to the installation of a toposcope and associated infrastructure to the south of the castle. No features, deposits or artefacts of archaeological significance were recorded. A watching brief was carried out in July-August 2015 by Stuart Farrell prior the construction of a new footpath. Debris relating to the Duke of Gordon's Monument was recorded during the work. A watching brief was carried out in February 2017 by Stuart Farrell prior to the installation of interpretation panels and benches. Animal bone and cockle shells were recovered from an area to the south of the castle, although it was recovered from ground that was probably previously disturbed.