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Motte, situated on the West edge of a steep-sided gully of Ha' Burn and protected on the landward side by a broad ditch. The mound was probably originally circular, with a 28m diameter base and a flat, elliptical top circa 9m by 6m. The mound is now spread on the east side, probably by landslip. The entrance is by a causeway in the north-northwest. Coring for radiocarbon dating was carried out in April 2019, a sample of charcoal at a depth of 6m, dating to 386 BC - 206 BC. Feld-walking was also carried out in the adjacent field to the west of the mound, in the area nearest the motte. No cultural material was found during the field walk. A single core was taken from the centre of the flat top of the mound at NJ 50954 62775. The mound was cored to a depth of 6m. The stratigraphy of the mound consisted of glacial soils and stones, with no organic material apart from the 0.35m of post-construction topsoil and the 0.15m of original topsoil located between 4.62m and 4.77m below the mound surface, which was the base of core 5 that contained the charcoal retained for radiocarbon dating.