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Period Details

PeriodOrderProbabilityRadiocarbon DatesDate BuiltDate of DestructionDate of Loss
Post-Medieval (from 1560 AD) A100    
18th Century B100 1763  
19th Century C100    
Modern (1900 - 2050) D100    
18th Century E90 1752  
20th Century F100    

Period Notes

Period Notes The centre block was built in 1762-3, probably replacing an earlier house possibly built in 1752 that was partially destroyed in the construction. There were further additions in 1870. The north west wing was nearing collapse in 1988, and subsidence affecting one of the wings was noted in 1990. Roofing work was done in 1991, but in August 1995 the interior devastated by fire. The site was designated on 26/01/1971.

Architect Details

Architect Details Collen Williamson built an inital house in 1752. A design for a new house was produced by John Adam, beating designs by his brother Robert Adam in 1759, and Collen Williomson finalised the plan in 1762 that was used to build the central block. Additions in 1870 were built by Alexander Ross.