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Period Details

PeriodOrderProbabilityRadiocarbon DatesDate BuiltDate of DestructionDate of Loss
Medieval (1100 - 1560 AD) A100    
15th Century B1001460 AD - 1508 AD   
Post-Medieval (from 1560 AD) C100    
18th Century D100    
19th Century E100    
Modern (1900 - 2050) F100    

Period Notes

Period Notes C14 dating of feature 1, the pit with the slag, initially gave a date of 5848+24 BP (SUERC OxCal 4.4 run 15/12/2021, SUERC-101408 (GU59382) calibrated to 4793 BC - 4616 BC at 2 sigma). Subsequent re-dating with a single carbonised grain from this deposit gave a date of 466+/-24 BP (SUERC OxCal 4.4 run 28/036/2022, SUERC-103020 (GU59872) calibrated to 1460 AD -1508 AD at 2 sigma). The second pit feature gave a date of 6595+/-25 (SUERC OxCal 4.4 run 15/12/2021, SUERC-101409 (GU59383) calibrated to 5615 BC - 5479 BC at 2 sigma), as there was no other material it was not retested. Both initial dates likely indicate the use of peat as fuel, especially in feature 2 which was a layer to the base of the pit. It is likely that both features are contemporary.

Architect Details

Architect Details