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Generator house, first depicted on the 2nd edition OS map, and labelled 'Electric Light Works'. This generator house was designed by John Kinross in circa 1902. It is an asymmetrical 2-storey range, with steeply pitched crowstepped gables. It is roughly cruciform in plan. The building is constructed of random rubble, with contrasting tooled ashlar margins and dressings. There is regular fenestration in the set-back elevations of the varied South front, with multi-pane glazing. There are two large entrances slapped in the gabled North elevation, with one original garage entrance with double leaf doors and original hand-wrought iron hinges. It has a forestair at the North-East angle, serving the North gable first floor doorway. There is a square leaded louvred ridge cupola at the West, and a stone slate roof. The house is directly to the North-East of the stable range (NJ05SW0048), and forms part of that building group. It appears on the 1905 2nd edition OS map as 'Electric Light Works'.