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Period Details

PeriodOrderProbabilityRadiocarbon DatesDate BuiltDate of DestructionDate of Loss
Medieval (1100 - 1560 AD) A100    
Post-Medieval (from 1560 AD) B100    
Modern (1900 - 2050) C100    
12th Century D100 1150  
14th Century F100    
15th Century G100    
16th Century H100    
17th Century I100    
18th Century J100    
19th Century K100    
20th Century L100    
13th Century E100    
World War 1 (1914 - 1918) M100    
World War 2 (1939 - 1945) N100    

Period Notes

Period Notes Founded in 1150 or 1151 by David I, and visited by Edward I 1303 and Edward II in 1336. Abbot James Guthry died 1482. Abbot James Galbreth died 1491. His successor, William Culross, died 1504, and appointed Thomas Crystall to be his successor in 1499. Robert Reid became Abbot in 1526 and died 1558, his nephew Walter Reid, who was the last Abbot at the Abbey succeeded him. The Abbot's House erected in 1537 by Robert Reid. The Abbey remained reasonably whole until 1650, minus the tower which fell in circa 1574. Much of the stonework was sold in 1651-2. There are 18th and 19th century tombstones, and 19th century memorials. One grave is dated to 1905. The remains were badly vandalised in the 1980s. Various restoration works and excavations took place in the 1990s and 2000s. It was listed on 26/01/1971, and its designation was changed from a B listing to an A listing on 25/04/1989. It was scheduled on 30/04/1920, and this was amended to extend the protected area on 10/01/1997.

Architect Details

Architect Details