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A watching brief was carried out by Avon Archaeology (Highland) from August to September 2022 during trenching work for the installation of underground services for a new classroom hub building for Gordonstoun School (NJ16NE0006). The majority of the services trenches opened within the school grounds (Trenches 1, 3, 4 and 5) did not reveal any archaeologically significant deposits or finds, with finds restricted to a very small assemblage of modern glass, animal bone and pottery sherds recovered from topsoil and unstratified contexts. Trench 2 opened adjacent to, and immediately to the south, of Gordonstoun House (centred NJ 18414 68957), revealed a group of shallowly buried and regular soil features that are suggested to reflect evidence of a previous formal garden, a Parterre, or kitchen horticulture, possibly related to the garden depicted on the OS 1st edition map. No stratified dating evidence was recovered from the features, which were preserved in-situ.