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A Class I Pictish symbol stone was found in May 2013 during ploughing operations. The stone, a solid pink granite boulder, measures 0.5 x 1.68 x 0.36m and weighs circa 670 kg. It has incised decoration on two adjoining faces, but the other two faces show no obvious signs of carving. Face 1 is incised with a large eagle, with crescent and V-rod below. Face 2 is incised with a mirror case symbol, with notch rectangle and Z-rod below. The Dandaleith Stone may be unique in having two pairs of symbols carved on the same orientation on two adjoining faces. Similar symbols can be found on other Pictish stones in the Strathspey valley, as at Arndilly (NJ24NE0002) and Inveravon (NJ13NE0007). The stone allocated through Treasure trove to Elgin Museum (TT ref CO.TT. 138/13). It was conserved by Graciela Ainsworth and is now on display in Elgin Museum (NJ26SW0063). Laser scanning and photogrammetry was carried out by AOC in 2015.