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Period Details

PeriodOrderProbabilityRadiocarbon DatesDate BuiltDate of DestructionDate of Loss
Medieval (1100 - 1560 AD) C100    
13th Century D100    
14th Century E100    
Early Bronze Age (2200 BC - 1800 BC) A1002034 BC – 1883 BC   
Early Medieval (400 - 900 AD) B100661 AD – 774 AD    
15th Century F100    

Period Notes

Period Notes Pottery from the 16th-17th centuries was recovered from the site, later reassessed to 13th-14th centuries in the post ex analysis. A radiocarbon date of 2034–1883 cal BC (SUERC-73460) was returned from a sample of alder charcoal from the basal fill of the prehistoric ditch, suggesting a possible Early Bronze Age date for the infilling of the ditch. A radiocarbon date of 661–774 cal AD (SUERC-73462) was returned from ash roundwood charcoal from the basal fill of the Medieval ditch, giving a date between the 7th and 8th centuries AD.

Architect Details

Architect Details