Period Notes |
2500-1500BC, excavations in 2000. Radiocarbon dates from below the recumbent stone: AA-49279 , 3975+/-40, calibrated to 2580-2390 BC at 2 sigma; AA-49280, 3985+/-45, calibrated to 2630-2340 BC; AA-49281, 3985+/-55, calibrated to 2700-2300 BC; AA-49282, 3850+/-40, calibrated to 2470-2190 BC or 2180-2140 BC; AA-49283, 3740+/-60, calibrated to 2340+/-1950 BC; AA-49284, 3985+/-85, calibrated to 2630-2340 BC. Radiocarbon dates from the centre of the platform; AA-49291, 2795+/-45, calibrated to 1050-820 BC; AA-49292, 4870+/-45, calibrated to 1220-900 BC; AA-49293, 2795+/-45, calibrated to 1050-820 BC; AA-49294, 305+/-40, calibrated to 1480-1660 AD; AA-49295, 385+/-40, calibrated to 1430-1530 AD or 1540-1640 AD; AA-49626, 410+/-30, calibrated to 1430-1530 AD or 1590 - 1630 AD. Radiocarbon dates from the central pit: AA-49285, 510+/-35, calibrated to AD1320-1350 AD or 1390-1450 AD; AA-49286, 380+/-40, calibrated to 1440-1530 AD or 1540-1640 AD; AA-49287, 410+/-40, calibrated to 1440-1530 AD or 1560-1640 AD; AA-49298, 305+/-40, calibrated to AD1480-1660; AA-49289, 355+/-40, calibrated to AD 1460-1650; AA-49290, 485+/-40, calibrated to 1330-1350 AD or 1390-1480 AD