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An extensive field system is denoted by enclosures, banks and stone clearance heaps with a hollow way 4.5 m - 6 m wide between flanking stony banks What are alleged hut circles at NJ 455 001 are hollowed stone clearance heaps. The alleged megalithic circle is a D-shaped hollow circa 15 m across with several large stones protruding round perimeter except on the straight side. There is no entrance visible so possibly this may be a denuded enclosure. There is an area of cord rig associated with stone clearance heaps and also possible hut circles. Field survey over part of the site by Mott Macdonald in 2022 ahead of electricity cabling works (NJ40SE0197) recorded a number of features within the study area for the proposed works. These comprised three cairns, a possible cairn, a probable structure (4 m by 3.5 m), a small structure/footings, semi-circular remains of abuilding, two possible cairn/mounds, remains of a building comprising an earth bank, a rectilinear mound, a small sub-rectangular structure, a sub-oval mound, two curvilinear earthen banks, four low ephemeral banks, an anomalous sub-rectangular area of raised ground, possible earth footing for a building, an earth bank, a circular earth bank enclosure, two mounds, area of low rig and furrow, earth bank/boundary, degraded relict drystone wall, building of earth bank with small stones, a building with rounded corners, a small sub-square possible structure, a circular building comprising earth bank with stones.