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Remains of a farmstead depicted on the OS 1st edition map. It comprised two rectangular buildings, the southern one with enclosure attached to the east. None of these appear on the OS 2nd edition sheet. Site visit by Mott Macdonald in 2022 during walkover survey ahead of electricity cabling works (NJ40SE0197)Site visit by Mott Macdonald in 2022 during walkover survey ahead of electricity cabling works (NJ40SE0197) recorded a few features. A drystone wall, now heavily overgrown, may have been part of a building: it measured 8 m by 4 m with walls up to 0.6 m high. A possible building or enclosure survives only as a ditch enclosing a rectangular area 3 m by 6 m. A rectilinear building measuring 2.5 m by 8 m with walls up to 0.4 m high. Another rectangular building measures 12 m by 5 m, surviving as an earth bank 0.6 m high though no stones are visible.