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Remains of an enclosure and cairns recorded by Mott Macdonald in 2022 during walkover survey ahead of electricity cabling works (NJ40SE0197). At NJ4538300707 is a rectangular enclosure made up of combination of field clearance stones and an earth bank. It measures circa 20m by 15 m, the wall circa 1 m wide up to three courses, at least 0.6m in height. A linear bank runs off the northwest corner, circa 1 m wide and circa 0.5 m high. Two other possible small enclosures were recorded at NJ4537900697 and NJ4535400656, birth circa 2 m by 1.5 m, their function unclear. Several clearance cairns, mostly 2.5-3 m in diameter, the maximum height 0.4 m. A larger clearance cairn at NJ4540700649 measured 5 m by 4 m.