Aberdeenshire HER - NJ44SE0009 - BA MUIR

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Feature: NJ44SE0009 - BA MUIR
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Site of a possible recumbent stone circle. The OS 1st and 2nd edition maps show 'Site of Stone Circle'. It was removed by 1871 but described by Sim and Stuart. The remains consisted of several large stones ranging in height from 0.91m to 2.13m, lying mainly on the south arc of the circle. Recumbent was 4.11m long, 1.92m broad and 0.30m thick. Outer 'wall' was 29.87m in diameter and inner 'wall' was 9.75m diameter. Coles could find no trace of the circle in 1906 but thought he could identify its broken stones in the nearest wall. Now no trace.
100 m
200 ft
0, 0
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Map Key  HER Legend Key - Standard Standard HER Legend Key - Regional Regional HER Legend Key - Scheduled Scheduled
Scheduled (red) sites are of national importance and are protected by legislation.
Regionally significant (purple) sites are assessed to have importance in a regional context on the basis of their survival and or rarity.
Standard (blue) sites cover all other sites on the HER.
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