Period Notes |
AA-28368 Hazel charcoal from a post-hole of the outer ring of a circular timber structure (possibly a roundhouse). 2165 BP +/- 50 (which equals 372 BC - 60 BC at 2 sigma) : AA-28369 Hazel charcoal from a post-hole of the outer ring of a circular timber structure (possibly a roundhouse) 2245 +/-50 (which equals 397 BC - 200 BC at 2 sigma). AA-28370 Oak charcoal from the probable entrance of a circular timber structure. This sample may represent a timber which was burnt and has decayed in situ 2380 BP +/-50 (which equals 751 BC - 381 BC at 2 sigma). AA-28371 oak charcoal from the probable entrance of a circular timber structure. This sample may represent a timber which was burnt and has decayed in situ. 2260 BP +/-50 (which equals 400 BC - 202 BC at 2 sigma). AA-28372 Birch charcoal from a post-hole of the middle ring of a structure (possibly a roundhouse). This sample could represent a timber which has burnt and decayed in situ 2420 BP +/-70 (which equals 764 BC - 395 BC at 2 sigma). AA-28373 birch charcoal from a post-hole of the middle ring of a structure (possibly a roundhouse). This sample could represent a timber which has burnt and decayed in situ 2395 BP +/-50 (which equals 752 BC - 389 BC at 2 sigma).