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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNJ61SE0080
NRHE Card No.NJ61SE128
NRHE Numlink 267325
HES LB No. 49295
Site Form Standing Structure
Site Condition Complete 2
Details Cottage, still in residential use, built by joiner Robert Reid Shepherd in circa 1902 for himself just prior to his marriage. It is a small, rectangular-plan, symmetrical single-storey and attic timber-boarded cottage with barge-boarded overhanging eaves, a granite base-course and regular fenestration. Plate glass is used in timber sash and case windows at the ground floor and plate glass glazing is used in the dormers in timber casement windows. The pitched corrugated-iron roof has moulded bargeboards. There are corniced brick gable-head apex stacks with octagonal cans to the north and south. The principal three-bay east has a timber and glazed door in an architraved opening to the centre bay with architraved bipartite windows the flaking bays. There are pitched-roof tripartite dormers to the outer attic bays with moulded timber mullions and transom and timber apex finials (missing to the south) and barge-boarded overhanging eaves with kingposts. The centre bay has a small cast-iron roof-light. The rear west elevation has a single architraved window to the centre. The north elevation has a brick chimney-back to the centre and an off-centre architraved window. The south elevation also has a brick chimney-back to the centre, although with some granite rubble to the base, and with an off-centre architraved window. Inside, the entrance hall has timber-boarded walls and ceiling and a timber stair with turned newels. The south room has timber-boarded walls and ceiling and a there is a moulded timber cornice to the north and south room. Associated with Millbank Croft NJ61SE0152). A Level 1 Standing Building Survey was carried out in October 2022 by Murray Archaeological Services prior to proposed alterations to the croft house and redevelopment, see NJ61SE0152.
Last Update14/05/2024
Updated Bycpalmer
Date of Compilation01/02/2017

Google Map for NJ61SE0080

National Grid Reference: NJ 6606 1085

Event Details

Event DateEvent TypeOASIS ID
2022 Building Recording

Excavations and Surveys

Artefact and Ecofact


Ecofact Notes

Monument Types