Aberdeenshire HER - NJ62NE0081 - OYNE

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Period Details

Period Notes

Period Notes Work on Oyne School 1896.

Architect Details

Architect Details James Duncan, architect 1896. James Duncan was born in 1828, the son of George Duncan, a Turriff mason. Nothing is known of his professional training, but he commenced practice in Turriff by at least 1862 when he designed Cuminestown School. He quickly acquired a well-deserved reputation for the planning and construction of farm steadings and had more than forty estates, great and small, as clients. In 1887 his son William Liddle Duncan, born 1870, became an apprentice; he was taken into partnership in 1897. He was admitted LRIBA in the mass intake of 20 July 1911, his proposers including Arthur Clyne and Arthur Hay Livingstone Mackinnon. James Duncan died on 6 March 1907 and was buried in St Congan's Churchyard. His wife, Ellen Liddle, died on 24 November 1917 aged 79. Following his father's death William Liddle Duncan continued the practice under his own name.