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A watching brief was carried out by Cameron Archaeology between the 14th and 20th June 2016, during topsoil stripping of Trench 1, a 3.5m to 4m wide section of a cable corridor, following a walkover survey ahead of electricity cable trenching for SSE (NJ62NE0181). Trench 1 was from the northern starting point of the cable trench (NJ 64961 33749) south to the A920, circa 250 m due south of Kirkton Farm. The depth of the topsoil remained largely consistent throughout the topsoil strip, averaging 0.35 m to 0.50 m in depth. The subsoil consisted of a reddish-brown sandy-silt with the frequent inclusion of angular stones dispersed amongst grit-laden gravelly deposits. A series of discrete prehistoric features, pottery and a medieval or post medieval pottery sherd (NJ63SE0104) were located in the field due south of Kirkton Farm, circa 35 m north of the A920.