Aberdeenshire HER - NJ70NE0130 - MILTON OF GARLOGIE

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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNJ70NE0130
NRHE Card No.NJ70NE106
NRHE Numlink 129783
Site Form Standing Structure
Site Condition Complete 2
Details Farmstead still in use. It is depicted on the OS 1st edition map which shows a group of at least seven buildings, including one marked as a corn mill, and three enclosures. By the time of the 2nd edition map the building on the north side of the eastern enclosure has been removed, and others have been modified. Current OS maps indicate that the westernmost building has since been removed and three new buildings added to the south of the group. Standing building survey carried out in June 2014 prior to redevelopment, recorded 8 buildings and one enclosure. The Mill House, at the south end of the complex, is built of large dressed granite blocks, built sometime after circa 1900 (it does not appear on the 2nd edition OS map). To the northeast, the granary is two-storey, of roughly faced granite with cherry cocking and granite dressings, with the date 1881 incised above the main ground floor door. The interior has a cobbled floor. A pulley is mounted on the exterior above the first floor window. West of the granary is an old mill building, built of roughly faced granite blocks with cherry cocking, and originally twice its current length, extending to the now infilled lade. The mill cottage to the north is a small one-and-a-half storey cottage of roughly shaped granite blocks with cherry cocking, and a lean-to extension to the north. It appears to have been rebuilt in the later 19th century. Another mill cottage to the east, is two-storey of roughly shaped granite blocks with cherry cocking. Its east end appears to have been demolished since the OS 2nd edition map. A granite cheese press is attached to the west gable of the cottage. A small extension on the 1st and 2nd edition maps may have been a small dairy. The steading, also of granite blocks with cherry cocking, is 33.8m long and 8.5m wide at the east end. The west end of the building was constructed onto the east arm of the lade and there was presumably a mill wheel on the exterior of the west wall of which there is now no trace. After use as a mill this building was converted for general agricultural use. To the west are two further buildings, both in poor condition, the larger with an exposed chimney on the central wall, the smaller a bothy built in the later 19th century. A building survey was carried out in June 2014 ahead of proposed conversion and development.
Last Update06/01/2023
Updated Bycpalmer
Date of Compilation 

Google Map for NJ70NE0130

National Grid Reference: NJ 7832 0662

Event Details

Event DateEvent TypeOASIS ID
1998 Field Survey
2014 Building Recording camerona1-183975

Excavations and Surveys

Artefact and Ecofact


Ecofact Notes

Monument Types